About Us
After years of struggling with stress, low moods, discontent with the world,
two sisters went on a search for joy, meaning and peace.
We meandered through our highs and lows, delights and disappointments,
finding our tribes and not fitting into a mold.
In all of this, we found our calling when we started our own venture The Happy Circles in 2015.
It organically gave way to Being Light ® in 2019 - as a Coaching and Wellness service.
Our mission is to empower people to be aligned with their Inner Being,
so they operate out of their true power and flourish in their life.
We bring together a unique blend of scientific mindset, corporate experience and ancient wisdom in our offerings.
Our values are trust, compassion, deep listening, connection and joy.
We believe that change begins with us and continue to work on our own growth. We are trained in more than 20 modalities, with over 500 hours in training.
We have worked with a diverse set of clients from around the world, through group workshops and private sessions.
We invite you to book an exploratory session to see if we can add value to your life.
A coach, healer, mom, traveler, Mandala artist and photographer. She likes to create her life beyond definitions and limitations.
Once a corporate professional who managed leading brands and large sales teams, she now works with a select group of people to bring about high impact transformation. As a change catalyst and certified coach, she helps high achievers and dreamers create lives they desire.

Kind, fun loving, free spirited energy healer, who was once a techie. Forever seeking possibilities and having a sense of wonder, it is no coincidence that she loves working with children. She has donned various roles as a software engineer, alternative educator, yoga teacher and now as an entrepreneur. She dreams of building a world where people are always joyful and have a child like wonder.